Three women met early on a
misty morning to launch their kayaks. Two had known each other for only a
summer, two had met face to face only a handful of times, two had never
met and didn't know each other at all. Photography and Facebook drew
them together in the first place; sunshine, water, conversation and a
shared love of capturing the beauty of nature filled them with with a
peace and happiness that is difficult to explain. Kindred
spirits were recognized during the two hour kayaking journey and new friendships grew.
It's hard for others to understand how sitting still for five minutes
and trying to capture the image of a drip of water falling off a paddle can serve
as meditation and feel so fulfilling. None of us questioned why the
other wanted to do it; we understood perfectly well -- it was natural to
each of us. We each tried to do it ourselves. It wasn't a competition but
rather a nudge to create our own version, or our own interpretation of the
moment. None of us knew the other two had accomplished it until we
returned home and saw the photos they had posted.
My interpretation |
Julie King's interpretation |
Martha Bowman's interpretation |
It's so much fun to share this creative journey with
Martha Hall Bowman and
Julie Farmer King. I can't wait for other kindred spirits to join in.
Michelle Hessdoerfer Northrup, we have to figure out how to get you and your kayak there soon!